You may think getting a speeding ticket or other moving violation is cut and dry. You have to pay your fines, take the points on your license and watch your insurance skyrocket. But, this is not correct. You are entitled to challenge your tickets, fight them which will result in a much better outcome for you. We strongly recommend fighting all traffic tickets to avoid points, higher insurance rates and possible license suspensions or revocations. Even if you already paid the fine for a traffic ticket, we may be able to vacate the plea and reopen the case to get a better outcome. If you get too many points, then you can get a one month to one year license suspension. If you pay a ticket and elect driving school, then your ticket will automatically be on your driving history. There are many legal defenses for tickets. If a ticket is dismissed, then it will not appear on your driving history. It is always best to fight your tickets in court. Call Law Offices of Melanie E. Horowitz today!
*Our no-point guarantee applies to all moving violations except speeding 30 over the speed limit; accidents with injuries and criminal cases. If you have no moving violations on your record in the last 3 years and there are no injuries in the accident, then we provide a money-back guarantee of no points.

You Do Not Need To Fight Alone
The Law Offices of Melanie E. Horowitz, here to help you with Traffic Ticket Defense, Traffic Criminal Defense and Misdemeanors and has assisted thousands of drivers with keeping points off their license, reducing fines and reinstating their driver’s licenses by effectively navigating through the legal system. I care about my clients and work tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcome. We can help you with all driving-related matters including speeding tickets, red light tickets when you are pulled over, camera tickets, careless driving tickets, failing to use due care tickets, stop sign and yield sign tickets, driving on a suspended license violations, accidents, reckless driving, Leaving the Scene of an Accident, or DUI and suspended licenses.